
Don’t Skip the Warm-Up!

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September 28, 2021

You walk in late to class again. No big deal, right? You just missed the warm-up. 

But, how important is that warm-up? Think about the last time you went for a run without walking first or warming your muscles in any kind of way. Chances are you ran out of breath quickly, your muscles may have cramped, your mind may have given up on you before you were ready to quit, and you may have even injured yourself. 

Warm-ups prevent all of that. These low-intensity aerobic exercises and dynamic stretches actually prepare the body and the mind for what’s to come. Your heart rate gradually increases as well as the body temperature. Your lungs are prepared and your blood starts to flow to your muscles so you can breathe and move better. This 5-10 minute process also gets your mind ready for what’s to come, so you can visualize an awesome workout before it happens. Just 5 minutes can make a huge difference, so don’t skip the warm-up!

Bonus tip-Be sure to keep your warm-ups moving. Save the static stretches for the end of your workout when your body is warm. Holding a stretch while your body is “cold” can actually lead to injury.


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